What does the term “sacrifice of praise” mean? Let’s start by defining the words. According to Dictionary.com, a sacrifice is the surrender or destruction of something prized or desirable for the sake of something considered as having a higher or more pressing claim and a loss incurred in selling something (below its value). In other words, it costs us something.
The definition of praise (from Dictionary.com) is the act of expressing approval or admiration; the offering of grateful homage in words or song, as an act of worship.
From these definitions, we can draw the conclusion that a sacrifice of praise has to have deep meaning or value to us.
If we flip this idea on its head, perhaps it means to offer gratefulness to God in the midst of difficulties. Psalms is full of this, as David started many of them complaining, and ended them in praise.
One example is found in Psalm 50:23 (NIV).
“He who sacrifices thank offerings honors me, and he prepares the way that I may show him the salvation of God.” Other versions use the words “offering of praise and thanksgiving,” and the CEV version states, “the sacrifice that honors me is a thankful heart.”
We should thank God for everything-the good and the bad. Thanking Him for the good is easy. Thanking Him for the bad? Not so much. But it is the hard things, the things that seem bad that often not just point us to the Lord, they chase us to Him. He is our safety net.
How, exactly, can we bring our sacrifice of praise? We call on Him and He gives us help.
When we don’t understand, praise God that He does.
When we are exhausted, praise Him for His strength.
When we are confused, praise God for His wisdom.
When we can’t see the path ahead, praise God for His guidance.
When we are hurt, physically or emotionally, praise God for His knowledge of the truth and for His healing.
When we are frightened, praise God for His security and protection.
When we are irritated, praise God for the gifts of His patience and peace.
And when we cannot hold it together, praise God for the gift of self-control, and praise Him that He holds all things together.
All this is possible, my friend, when you lean on God in every season. Life will never be perfect, but clinging to God and praising Him through every situation you face will draw you closer to Him.
Reflection: Make a list of some things that are weighing on you. Next to each item, write out what you can praise God for in the midst of those issues. Praise Him for who He is!
