Career Services
Need help updating your resume, job coaching, or interview preparation? We can help! With over 10 years of experience in career and education services, we know what employers are looking for and how to help you stand out. We offer 3 packages based on your individual needs.
The Basics
The Basics is for you if you just need a little extra help on your career journey. Here's what's included:
Resume rewrite or revamp with up to 3 revisions
Cover letter assistance
Job search assistance with job search tools
Free digital copy of "How to Land Your Dream Job" book
Monthly package until cancelled
A Little Extra
You may need A Little Extra if you are unsure of your career goals, path or where to start or if you need more help with your job search.
Here's what's included:
Job coaching call, helping you find the right career for you.
Strengths and talents assessment.
Resume rewrite or revamp with up to 5 revisions
Cover letter assistance
Job search assistance with job search tools
Free digital copy of "How to Land Your Dream Job" book
Monthly package until cancelled
Go For More
You don't want to settle for the same old job or do a job you do not enjoy, it's time to Go For More.
Here's what's included:
3 job coaching calls, helping you find the right career for you.
Strengths and talents assessment.
Resume rewrite or revamp with up to 5 revisions
Cover letter assistance
Job search assistance with job search tools
Interview preparation and mock interview
Assistance preparing portfolio
Free digital copy of "How to Land Your Dream Job" book
Monthly package until cancelled