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Image by Alicia Quan

Rejected for Us

Rosie Rochelle

I’ve been thinking a lot about rejection lately. I know, it's strange to think about, most people avoid rejection at all costs. To be rejected means to refuse to hear or receive; or to not give approval or acceptance, at least that’s what the dictionary tells us. But what the dictionary fails to say is that rejection stings, it leaves a mark, and sometimes, rejection can be the one leading the show. 

Rejection might look a lot like being left out, forgotten on your birthday, or being passed over for an opportunity. It could even look like self-rejection, or not accepting yourself. There are some people in the bible who experienced rejection firsthand. I imagine Sarah (or Sarai) in the Bible felt pretty rejected when her husband and servant conceived a child, and she couldn’t herself. I can see how Joseph would have felt rejected when his brothers threw him in a well and left him for dead. I feel Naomi’s grief for feeling forgotten after she lost her 

husband and two sons, she even changed her name to Mara, claiming the Lord dealt with her bitterly.

As much as we might try to avoid it, it seems we all come face￾to-face with rejection. Even Jesus knows a thing or two about it.

He came to this earth, humbled Himself, lived in lowly places, so that He could redeem us. He withstood rejection from his people, even his closest friends. He was rejected at the cross, humiliated, and beaten. Yet, he still chose to live on this earth. He still chose to go to the cross. He still chose to take beatings and ultimately, death, for us. For hours, if not days, he was beaten, spit on, mocked, and humiliated. Yet, when we think of Jesus, we do not think, rejected.

When we think of Jesus, we think, Savior. Healer. Redeemer. Lord. He took rejection for us, so that we could have life.

His rejection was our protection. His rejection was our provision. His rejection was our acceptance.

Without the rejection of Christ, we wouldn’t have the life we do today. The freedom. The peace. The joy. The love. He paid the ultimate price to shield us from the ultimate rejection, an unimaginable cost on our soul. The next time you feel rejected by someone or something, remember He wore ‘rejected’ on His nail-pierced hands, so that you would never need to wear rejection as your identity. He wore rejection for you, so that you could live a life of freedom and peace.


This Easter…spend time reflecting on how the Lord’s rejection has protected you. What has he shielded you from? What has he rescued you from? Thank him and rejoice that He paid that price for you. 

"He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief; and as one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not."- Isaiah 53:3

"The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone."- Psalm 


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