Take the land. That’s what the Lord instructed Joshua and the Israelites as they entered the promised land. He urged them to be strong and courageous and that He would deliver the enemy into their hands.
But with each battle the Israelites faced, there was a new wall to come down, a new giant to seize, and a new land to conquer. With each battle, they needed to seek the Lord for the battle plans, adjusting their strategy and weapons each time.
In one battle, their weapon was their march and trumpets.
In another battle, their weapon was their ambush and fire.
For each battle, they required a new plan. For each battle, they required a new weapon.
The same is true for you and me. We will face giants of many kinds - health, financial, or perhaps relational. When there is a new battle, it means there is new land for us to take. Sometimes, the spiritual weapons we used in the past will not work for our current situation. We need to pray, seek the Lord, and ask for the battle plan and weapons He has in mind. What new land does God have for you? What new weapon? I encourage you and me both, to
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” -Joshua 1:9
